For anyone who doesn't know this troll, this totally dishonest joke of a "troofer":

Cosmored / Scott or any one of his various spam handles is a serial forum spammer who is completely incapable of any honest discussion. Not one single thing he has had his ass handed to him about, has ever been conceded. This person is as dumb as they come, a layman in everything he spews out. He left a spam comment about a discussion concerning a puff of dust on a closing battery lid, filmed on the Moon, years later and he still ignores the major replies given to him:

Troll. You aren't thwarting anything, you are busted and know it.

It's pretty clear that you are a very dishonest person acting dumb and doing a rather good job of it. It's also very similar to conversing with a small infant. There is such a thing as deductive reasoning and you seem to have a complete absence of this basic and easily acquired skill. From the video we can see a number of things:-

  • There is a plethora of dust. It is clearly and obviously covering most of the visible area. This is not up for debate, the film maker actually insists on it.
  • The lid for the sample container box is pushed shut. Again not up for debate, clearly visible.
  • It impacts the box and there is a small disturbance in the near corner. Again not up for debate, clearly visible.
  • A descending flat surface displaces air as it falls. Mainly in the direction of fall, but also to the sides. Similar to the draft from a closing door. Irrefutable and obvious.
  • There is not the slightest movement or displacement of any of the dust opposite to the direction the lid is falling. Nothing whatsoever!
  • In a vacuum, there would be no displaced air and subsequently no displaced dust. This is what is observed.
  • In a vacuum and low gravity, any impact vibrations would exaggerate the movements observed.
  • It is completely and irrefutably irrelevant which part of the lid impacts the box. We know it does impact because it stops!
  • Any lid falling onto a box must cause an impact force and it must be from the underside.

Now from the responses being received from this serial forum spammer we can also see a number of things:-

  • Clearly he is diverting attention from the obvious lack of frontal air disturbance that is 100% unavoidable.
  • He keeps referring to the underneath impact point not being highlighted when it is 100% obvious this is how the collision works. It must be the underneath striking!
  • This dishonest person will never concede the absolute obvious, he will obfuscate and divert but will never admit his errors.

The footage presented has now 100% irrefutably shown that the small segment highlighted must be in a vacuum. It almost certainly must also be in low gravity from the absurdly unnatural way the dust moves. The forum spammer has shot down in flames his own 15 years spammed claim!

Further, since we now have proven that this sequence is in a vacuum, so must be the footage before and after this section. It's on the Moon.


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